# Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The Arbitrary Waveform Generator takes a time-series of voltage values, and generates the corresponding waveform at the DACs at a configurable rate.
If you are directly using the RESTful API (e.g. using cURL), the instrument
name as used in the URL is awg
- Multi-instrument: Arbitrary Waveform Generator in multi-instrument context
- burst_modulate: Configures the burst modulation mode of a channel
- disable_modulation: Disable the modulation of a channel
- enable_output: Enable/disable each output channel
- generate_waveform: Configures the output waveform for each channel
- getters: Arbitrary Waveform Generator - getter functions
- pulse_modulate: Configures pulse modulation mode of a channel.
- set_defaults: Set Arbitrary Waveform Generator to a default state
- set_output_load: Configures the output load on a given channel.
- set_output_termination: Configures the output termination on a given channel.
- summary: Returns a short summary of current instrument state
- sync_phase: Resets the phase accumulator of both output waveforms