# Moku API Reference

You can use this API for the command, control and monitoring of Liquid Instruments Moku devices. This interface can supplement or replace the Windows/Mac interface, allowing the Moku to be scripted tightly into your next experiment.


For Moku:Lab versions <= 511, please refer to our legacy APIs

# Common Parameters

# Force Connect

Force Connect can be set whenever an instrument object is created, or as a parameter to claim_ownership. When true, the connection will succeed even if the Moku is currently being accessed by someone else, false will return an error in this case. This is the programmatic equivalent of the Moku: App "This Moku is currently in use..." dialog.

In order to correctly track ownership, it is important that API users always finish their sessions with relinquish_ownership, including from error paths where applicable.

# Strict Mode

Most of the functions have an additional parameter strict which controls coercions of input values. When strict is true (the default) the Moku API will not try to coerce input values to something physically achievable. The API returns an error with appropriate message(s) when it cannot set up the device exactly as the user has asked.

For example, if a user asks for a 1GHz sinewave (which is faster than supported by the hardware), then strict=true will return an error while strict=false will set the Waveform Generator to the fastest possible value, and return a human-readable message informing the user what action has been taken.

Disabling strict mode can be useful when setting parameter where "close enough" is acceptable. For example, the precisely supported Edge Times on a Pulse Waveform can be hard to compute beforehand, it's often easier to ask for the "ideal" edge time with strict=false then confirm visually that the achieved Edge Time is acceptably close.

# Range versus Attenuation

All Moku devices have selectable circuits on their inputs that change the amount a signal is attenuated between the input connection and the internal A/D converter. In some instruments, it is most helpful to control this attenuation directly; for others it's more helpful to think of it in terms of the input voltage range that that attenuator allows the Moku to accept without saturating. This is exposed to users as either a range or attenuation argument to that instrument's set_frontend function.

For example: The Oscilloscope exposes range. The voltage displayed on the Oscilloscope display is the voltage on the input, regardless of the range setting. Changing range changes the maximum voltage that can be applied to the instrument, and also the voltage resolution of the instrument.

The PID Controller exposes attenuation. The voltage displayed on the PID Controller monitors is the voltage on the input, attenuated by the applied attenuation setting. For example, a 1V input on Moku:Pro's 20dB attenuation setting is shown on the monitors as 0.1V (20dB is the attenuation in power, voltage goes like the square-root of that, i.e. 20dB is 10x attenuation). Becaus the voltage range inside the instrument is always fixed, the resolution inside the instrument is also fixed.

As a rule: Instruments that measure the inputs or drive the outputs directly display the actual voltage present on the connectors and expose range (e.g Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer). Instruments that connect inputs to outputs use attenuation as it makes it much easier to calculate the overall gain (e.g. PID Controller, Lock-In Amplifier, Filter Boxes). Again taking the PID Controller as an example: If the input attenuation is 20dB and the output hardware gain is 14dB, then your controller needs a Proportional gain of 6dB to maintain a 0dB proportional gain from input to output.