Configures acquisition mode to determine how statistics, histograms and output signals are computed.The acquisition mode of the Time & Frequency Analyzer is the acquisition of intervals, which therefore dictates how the instrument collects interval data
default: Continuous
allowed values:Continuous ,Windowed, Gated
allowed values:Moku:Lab ChannelA, ChannelB, Input1, Input2, Output1, Output2, External Moku:Go ChannelA, ChannelB, Input1, Input2, Output1, Output2 Moku:Pro ChannelA, ChannelB, ChannelC, ChannelD, Input1, Input2, Input3, Input4, Output1, Output2, Output3, Output4, External
default: true
# Windowed acquisiton
Windowed acquisition counts events within each window period, and resets at the end of each window period. Windowed proves a balance of averaging for noise reduction and the ability to respond when the signal changes.
# Continuous acquisiton
Events are being registered continuously during intervals.
# Gated acquisiton
Similar to windowed acquisition, statistics, count output and histogram counts are reset at the end of each gate period. In gated acquisition mode, the beginning of the acquisition period is triggered by the gate input signal. The gate input source can be any of the Moku device input channels, or by external trigger (if available).
# Examples
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